D 2258

D-2258 serial number 404
He64a in Schleissheim
He64a D-2258 mit elliptischen Flügeln

Sole He 64a with the characteristic elliptic wing, with however worse slow-flying capabilities.

Apr 32D-2258DVS GmbHCrashed April 29th, 1932 in Schleissheim near Munic. Pilot Notz dead. Presumably stalled while turning back after engine failure

The first of the series of built He64s was even more similar to the Bäumer Aero “Sausewind”, designed by the same engineers, because she was still equipped with the elliptical wing.

He64a Frontbild in Schleissheim
Front der He64a D-2258

Oskar Notz, a former army officer and participant of the earlier European Contests as well, intended to testfly this aircraft in Schleissheim.

Oskar Notz vor einer Klemm Kl im Europarundflug 1930. Bild von
Oskar Notz vor einer Klemm Kl25 im Europarundflug 1930. Bild von hannsklemm.wordpress.com

At 12.15 p.m. On the 29th of April 1932 obviously the engine quitted. As the eyewitness, an employee of the newspaper “Münchener Neueste Nachrichten” (Newest News of Munic) in an article on the 30th April 1932 explained, the turnback was not successful.

D-2258 nach dem Absturz in Schleissheim
He64a D-2258, Offizielles Unfallfoto. Danke an Peter Achs