
D-2301 im Wettbewerb
Aug 32D-2301Aeroclub v. DeutschlandParticipation European Tourist plane contest as 'A9', pilot v. Cramon/mechanic Dübwart
October 1932D-2301DVL e.V., Adlershof
October 1936Scrapped (NfL -36/47. 5-, S.900
In the contest

The D-2301 encountered a crankshaft-failure during the contest in the vicinity of Katowice. Although it made an uneventful emergency-landing, it had to leave the contest.

Further use of D-2301

After the contest, the DVL (Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für Luftfahrt, German Research institute for aviation) operated the aircraft. The only additional picture shows the D-2301 after an accident. If there has been any injury, I could not research as yet.

Kopfstand D-2301
Kopfstand D-2301