Fuselage and Wings

Type2-seater Low-Wing Cantilever Monoplane
WingSingle-spar trapezoidal-shaped wings built up entirely of wood and attached to the central portion by means of bolts. Automatic slots connected to trailing flaps
The He 64a had the oval-shaped wing of later Heinkel-Models (He 70, He 111). However, due to the worse slowspeed-characteristics the later models all got the trapezoidal wing.
FuselageThe fuselage has an oval cross section and a semicircular cabin structure of good aerodynamic design. The fuselage structure consists of bulkheads and longerons covered with three-ply, in which special doors are provided to facilitate an easy inspection of the inside of the fuselage.The steel tube engine mounting it attached to the first bulkhead.
TailThe construction of the tail unit is similar to that of the main wing entirely by wood, covered with three-ply.
Landing GearNon-retractable, braced by streamline tubes. High-Pressure Disk-type wheels with brakes operated by a hand lever, hydraulically activated. Tailskid.
Crew2 seats in closed cabin, canopy formed aerodynamically efficient.

3-plane view

He64 3-Seiten-Riss
3-Seiten-Riss aus der Zeitschrift “Flugsport”


Dimensions, Load category
Length8,31 m
Height2,06 m
Wing-area:14,4 m²
Wingload:54,2 kg/m²
Service load:5,20 kg/PS
Load category:
Ultimate strength:+7g
Empty weight:458 kg
Additiona equippage: 12 kg
Dry operating weight:470 kg
Crew:160 kg
Fuel: 95 kg
Oil: 15 kg
Payload: 40 kg
Max. Takeoff Weight: 780 kg
Max. Speed at Sealevel: 245 km/h
in 1000 m height: 238 km/h
in 2000 m height : 220 km/h
Cruise speed in 0 m height : 222 km/h
at 80% takeoff power: in 1000 m height : 218 km/h
in 2000 m height : 200 km/h
Min. approach speed: 52 km/h
Optimum Range at Vmax in 1000 m height: 720 km
Optimum Range at Vcruise in 1000 m height: 760 km
Optimum Range:1500 km
Climb performance
Climb to 1000 m height:3,9 Min.
2000 m height: 8,0 Min.
3000 m height: 12,8 Min.
Service Ceiling: 6000 m
Takeoff- and Landing-Performance
Takeoff-Run:88 m
Takeoff-Distance to 15 m height:130 m
Landing-Distance from 15 m height:120 m
1 Pilot, 1 Passenger (Dual steering)
Powerplant: Argus AS 8 R
Gear: ./.
Takeoff-rating at 2100 U/min 150 PS
Nominal rating at 2090 U/min 135 PS
Nominal rating at 1800 U/min 90 PS
Critical height0 m
Speciic Fuel consumption240 g/PSh